Friday, October 13, 2006

Meg, A Retail Clerk Eliminated AMERICAS NEXT TOP MODEL

Megg, a retail clerk from Los Angeles, was the fourth girl eliminated during the seventh cycle of The CW′s hit dramality series AMERICA′S NEXT TOP MODEL, reducing the pool from 10 girls to 9.

Model and judge of CANADA′S NEXT TOP MODEL Stacey McKenzie, introduced the girls to contortionist Jonathan Nosan, who taught them how to contort their bodies into extreme poses for high fashion photo shoots. "Everyone was trying to be serious and make these model faces. It cracked me up," Megg said.

The next day, the girls met with designer Bao Tranchi, who used the girls as art installations to display her new fashion line. The girls each had to strike dramatic couture poses utilizing their recent knowledge of contortionism, then hold the pose for an extended period of time. "It was really intense." Megg said. Several of the girls impressed Bao Tranchi with their body positions, and Eugena was chosen the challenge winner, getting to keep $32,000 worth of jewelry designed by Erica Courtney.

The following day, the girls were taken to the circus, where Jay assigned them each a freak circus character to portray for their photo shoot while guest judge and editor-and-chief of Seventeen magazine Atoosa Rubenstein observed. Jay was hugely disappointed in Megg though, as he felt she lost the natural and effortless way she modeled in the beginning of the competition. "I′m not sure that she′ll be a successful model," Jay said. "When I think too much, it′s just all over for me," Megg said.

During the judging, Megg broke down as she faced her disappointing picture, and explained to the judges that she felt capable of giving so much more. Nigel reminded them that Megg had yet to take a good picture. "We see such a magic in you that for some reason is not translating into your pictures," Tyra told Megg before eliminating her from the race to become AMERICA′S NEXT TOP MODEL.